Friday, September 2, 2011


there's a tall skinny man that comes into my gym once in a while. he embodies the sort of sad awkwardness that can only come from a combination of poverty and loneliness. he's uncomfortably outgoing and never wears workout clothes, just a denim button up shirt and khaki shorts. i wonder about him, how he gets through life in those shoes, how he is a walking universe so far beyond what is recognizable to me. It'd be unfair and condescending to feel bad for him, or for all the other people in the world who look like ticking time bombs that could explode if they make one last mistake, but i do feel something, and its painful and awkward. i feel that they need to be nurtured, that they missed something along the way that is irreplaceable now. There's no going back in time, but i know that I can do better to those who are still coming about in life. We all need so much of each other.