"Moving in july, gonna need to get that camera and my chair"
12 words and one hundred thoughts going through my head.
the alaska polaroids in front of me, your momma's leopard print chair, those prints i bought in seattle now hanging on my bedroom wall, just a few of the million reminders of what was.
that old cannon that belonged to your grandfather took some of my favorite photographs. i'm going to feel its absence.
i'm going to feel your absence.
i could not begin to summarize us, to talk about teenage love and dragged out heartbreak, about the lessons and the memories.
i will just hold them, as i always have, close to my heart.
how i wish i could crystallize in words that something that you and i will always share.
the laughter in between immature jokes and honest conversations. the way that you are unfiltered around me.
i feel that you may be the one who knows me best, and i you.
oh, the yearning of "what could have been" that i felt then and you feel now.
the irony of timing..
i'm going to miss you, of course.